“It’s about providing an overqualified individual with a set of skills and experience to an organisation that cannot provide, hasn’t got or cannot afford – and cannot wait for the process of permanent recruitment.”
Bridging leadership gaps for a smooth transition
Many organizations underestimate the importance and opportunity of the right interim management. While there are plenty of scenarios when an internal person in an Acting capacity is appropriate, there may be others where it makes sense to bring in someone from the outside. Some advantages of interim management include:
- An objective person whose only purpose is to ensure the best possible set-up for the new, permanent candidate; no conflicts of interest or internal politics in play;
- The person is qualified, and often overqualified for the role, so the team benefits from someone with a lot of experience to support the transition;
- A neutral, temporary party is required to address significant performance issues in the team so the new person does not have to start their posting dealing with conflict and performance issues;
- There may be an opportunity or specific skill set needed on an urgent short term basis that is best served by an outsider with those specific skills, but is not required for the long term.
Bring in a highly experienced field leader to facilitate the transition between permanent leadership, or set up a new leadership position.